3 Reasons Why Your Psychic Is Misleading You

The shocking Truth About Most Psychics - I Give You Three of Them.

I am Manny Carter, a true clairvoyant and psychic reader. I focus on relationship problems. I have spoken with hundreds (over 775+) of clients over the course of four years.

I'm going to reveal unsettling information that many so called psychics will not reveal to you.

1. They tell you want you want to hear.

I am not going to sugar coat what is coming to me. Review my testimonials here. I have raving clients because I tell them the truth. Watch this video below.

2. They make you feel good...almost too good.

Watch the video below. I did a live reading with someone. You can only hear me and not them for legal and privacy reasons. However, you'll get the general idea of how I do readsings.

As a phone psychic, I tell people the truth and advise them on what they need to do in order to resolve their problems. Otherwise why would you call for advice from a psychic in the first place?

People end up doing what it is they want to do, then call me for more advise which requires them to spend more money and they end up repeating the cycle over and over again.

You know why? It's because their behavior doesn't change and they take no responsibility for it.

I know this sounds harsh when a psychic is supposed to help you, but if you don't take any ownership in the way you live your life, how can anyone else help at all?

And this leads me to shocking truth Number 3...

3. They ask, almost push you to give out a lot of personal information upfront.

When I get on the phone with a client, I only ask them for a name. Simple as that. I don't ask for or even want them to tell me their birth dates, Zodiac sign, location or anything else that would be initially helpful "upfront." I just despise these kinds of tactics.

Hell, I don't even need them! That's why I don't ask for them! I only use tarot cards upon requests.

I used to work for a psychic phone network. I was one of their many....ahem...gifted readers. I managed to speak with a couple of the other readers on there.

Now many of these people on the phone networks are real. However, a handful of them are not. Some of them are purely trained to give generic responses to a wide variety of questions. They know and understand how human psychology. See before you even get to them they already know what makes the human brain tick. And they know how to trick you.

Many of the phone psychic networks pay their psychic readers a very paltry amount. When I was a psychic for another major network before becoming independent, I earned 30 cents a minute...while they charged $1.99 a minute.

For my gift, they felt it was fair to pay me a whopping 30 cents a minute. If I spend an hour with you on the phone, I'm paid $18. Not bad.

Want to know the secret though? I was advised constantly by my manager to keep people on the phone as long as I could. She encouraged me to keep clients on the phone longer so I would make more money...was the standard motivational ploy...Right I thought to myself.

I'll just call bullshit on this one. They wanted me to keep you on the phone longer so they could make more money. I'm psychic. I know...and most people are just greedy.