You’re Dead. …No I’m Not!

You’re dead. …no I’m not! Okay, so I know my last story was a bit heart touching. Hopefully this will be tad more educational. Have you ever dealt with a stubborn person who is going to believe whatever it is they want regardless of what you say or prove to them? Sometimes, some poor souls (meaning…

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Predatory People?

My female clients are asking me why men like strip clubs. Here is my answer. Men are visual. And before I go on, I’m making a blanket statement – these are just my general observations of the dating population as a whole. These statements may not even apply to you or your situation or the…

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Re inventing the African American male….

Our image has been tarnished, over the years, hell even in the old movies, the bad guys always word black. Pimps, drug pushers, boy do we have our work cut out for us if we are going to educate the youth of today about the potential, of what they can do. I always talk to…

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Mammy Mentality….

Okay ladies, I am a romantic intuitive and I’m going to reveal some truth that is controversial. You may not like it. But here we go. My audience is primarily African american women. I am a single male and deal with the same problem. I refuse to date a woman who has children and has…

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How can you tell if you are talking to a ghost.

This is a very interesting question, I get it all the time……look at their feet. if they were buried, in a coffin, the mortician, unless requested, will bury a person without shoes, if not then it gets tough. This isn’t ghost busters my friend. Communication, from the other side really isn’t that at all, its…

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Do the dead even realize that they are dead.

Ghost are spotted, in all kinds of places, I have spotted them in both good and bad situations, and have a theory, everyone has a theory about heaven, its about going to a place that has everything that makes you happy correct? So if you love the flamingo hotel, you come back to haunt it…

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Another run in with a ghost.

I was a young boy, with two coon hounds, we were out hunting raccoons, one night, a coon, took off, my dogs Duke and Duchess., rain the thing around, and I walked, and walked, till I was loss. I ended up in a ditch, then the strangest thing happened. Coyotes, I was had, 12 of…

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Purple head haunted bridge ….

I am often asked, what the heck did you do, as a psychic kid So, I’ve decided to tell you some stories of when I was a kid, and how my gift affected everyone. This is about a haunted bridge, which we used to scare girls into our arms.”Lets go to the haunted bridge, my…

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Abaddon the unknown angel.

Enough about love and relationships, time to get back to business. There are for possible five angels names  mentioned in the bible, one  or two I would like to being to your attention. We know, Gabriel, and Micheal, on the side of good, how about Lucifer, and  Abaddon, these guys are on the bad side.…

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Use the force…….

I was having a discussion with my mother this morning about star wars, in her day my mother was one of the best psychics I have ever met. I trained under her as well as my grandmother, and relatives, who could all see things days before they happened. My grandfather predicted the price increase on…

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