Listen To Kristal's Life Changing Experiences Over The Last Year...

"Manny Carter, a man of miracles and wonders! You are truly selfless and one of a kind, not to mention quick to help when I'm in a bind...😅There's so much to say I don't even know where to start, and I am so grateful for you helping me mend my broken heart. My shaman my mentor you're such an awesome teacher! I may not be one of them but your children are blessed to have such a phenomenal FATHER😊😎.... Thank you for being an inspirational and caring role model! U truly have filled the little voids and gave me the lessons that my own father could not give!I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for teaching me to be humble, kind, patient and strong. HAPPY FATHERS DAY MR CARTER with love 💕😁 😇."

Update 9/25/18

"Haaaaappyyy Birthdaaaayyy to youuuu! My Angel, My Prophet, My Muse. I can't begin to think where i would be without you! Maybe under the bridge with kaji, steaming up my car or out and about searching for random dick at a bar..... Thanks to you i can fill my god forbidden hole and make us all that money unlike these hoes lol..... On a serious note, i appreciate you beyond words can describe! Happy Birthday Manny and thank you for being by my side#😊😊 love you to pieceeesss💕😘."

Kristal (Original email held on file)

Or Kelly Who's Grown Into An Independent Mature Woman...

"I got to say Manny is probably one of the best...Everything he told was what going to happen...happen. I can't believe that he help me change into a better person than I was before...Everything that I wish for he made it come true. Manny is truly a miracle..."

Kelly (Original email held on file)

"Based on our prior free 5 minute conversation we had on love and relationships, you hit home on what I was doing wrong with my ex. But are you really a psychic who knows what is going on in people lives.

"What you told me about my ex, will he be coming back to me, even though he told me he doesnt love me anymore because he is not attracted to me anymore, which is strange because in august he told me he did love me, then he just chancged in September.

"Like you said, he told me i dont make him happy but how so I did everything for him, he did nothing for me. You told me he will come back? I really like to set appointment to talk more. Your really good. Thank you. Hear from you soon."

Worku (Original email held on file)

"Manny got right to the heart of what I'm going through. I've been using him for several months and he has brought much clarity to my life. Thank you for all you do!"

Meghan (Original email held on file)

"I had a reading with Manny today. I just love the fact that he is honest and very accurate. I don't know how I can thank you for that wonderful reading you shock me especially when you was telling me about that church guy thank you thank I will definitely will be getting another reading soon."

Sadie (Original email held on file)

"He's really a great person. I had a reading with Mr. Manny. He he told me that I would be going to a funeral. He didn't know who it was and neither did I. But a month later my cousin died. I was sitting in that funeral.

"I was so hurt and devastated about my cousin but all I could think about is what he told me for me and it was true. At first it kind of shook me up but then I know this man knew what he was talking about. He can predict what will happen in your life.

"Next so what I'm trying to say is he really is a great person and God has blessed him with the gift to help people. He is not taking advantage of that gift because he appreciates God. Manny always puts God first."

Gloria (Original email held on file)

"I just wanted to say thank you, for listening and taking the time and your energy to help me. I really think I was blessed the day I saw your ad in the web."

Tania (Original email held on file)

"You know sometimes life can hit you with a ton of bricks, and when this happens we tend to lose hope. I know, because I too have found myself there. As a matter of fact I just recently was struggling with some issues in my life and needed answers.

"For me, I believe that nothing happens by coincidence, there is a divine reason that you speak to a particular person on a given day, and for me that person was Manny.

"Everything that was said during my reading came to light and I am very grateful to him for guiding me through a very stressful period in my life.

"If you are searching for someone who will tell you what you need to hear, (truth) and not what you want to hear, then Manny is the one for you. Thank you Manny… Much Love and Respect to you."

Angela (Original email held on file)

"Had my first reading with Manny today. He was awesome, right on point. I will use him regularly."

Monica (Original email held on file)

"He shared with me that I was going to meet someone, he described the person and the car color..and within 48 was actually as he described it…WOW!!! He is very much so on point! HE IS WORTH YOU GIVING HIM A CALL… SO HE CAN BEGIN TO GUIDE YOU TO A LIFE OF HAPPINESS AND FULFILLMENT A must call!!!"

Vern (Original email held on file)

"A man that walks with God… many is the real deal every time I talk to Manny he lets me know to be strong and of a good courage be not afraid , neither be thou dismayed he is the truth people . he is on point all I can say is wow so stop stressing over what you do not no and let Manny tell you what you should know."

Ernest 'Pastor' Pierce (Original email held on file)

"I met Manny several years ago,he was doing readings on a big Psychic network site.I used him for a reading on several occasions as he was very good at connecting with me.He then vanished,I found out later ,that he quit that network to go out on his own,this was after I scoured the internet looking for him.He is truely gifted and ethical at what he does. He Cares. Thank You Manny."

Mike (Original email held on file)

"I had a reading with Manny it was so accurate it was so true everything he said would happen it happen I wanted to know when was a good time to call my boyfriend normally I cannot call you at a certain time and those was one of those times but I kind of Manny and he told me to go ahead and called the coast was clear and it was along with some other things many told me that was so true if you want a true reading call him he do not sugarcoat anything he tells you the truth whether it is bad or good so if you want to know anything you need to call he is a angel I love you many my personal psychic."

Gloria (Original email held on file)

"Manny truly cares about his customers. He is very honest and to the point. He is a great friend and reader."

Erica (Original email held on file)

"I turned to Manny after spending over $2,000 on psychics who either lied to me, just wanted money, or who had good intentions but whose predictions did not come true. Manny is so kind gentle and compassionate with a tender heart and a good sense of humor.

"However, he also knows about health (he has worked in the nursing field) and he knows how to get people to start THINKING CLEARLY so they can get what they want.

"I'm not very worldly but Manny has never taken advantage of me in fact he has gone above and beyond. I totally trust him. I asked him a question about my family and he said they are hiding something from me which is true.

"I truly believe that Manny IS a Prophet sent from God to Earth to help us..... like an angel from Heaven. After one of his clients spent OVER $16,000 on psychics Manny saved this person money and time and now he is getting married soon. Yes, his predictions have came true.

"You need PATIENCE. Manny doesn't put up with bull. Which I am grateful for haha. I am truly grateful for Manny. If you're in despair call Manny. He will help-- and if he cannot help you----- which I doubt, then he will tell you.... there is always hope. I will consider Manny a dear friend for a long time.

"Even some celebrities have worked with Manny. So..... what do you have to lose? Try him you will NOT be disappointed. He offered me hope and healing when I needed it most."

Danielle (Original email held on file)

"This is not a joke at all. Mr.Manny gave me my free 5 mintue reading which was also accurate like everyone else’s. After my 5 mintue reading i continued going on with my day, until i got a missed phone call back from mr. Manny.

"I called him back and he told me after the phone call he had felt something and needed to warn me about someone i had very deep feelings and a heart full of love for.

"I wont say what he said so that when it dose come about i will write another testimony of what happened. My point is you only get a 5 mintue free reading but if mr. Manny feels or sense something important from the heart whether its good or bad that you need to know he will pay out of his own pocket to call you back and tell you and what ever it is he seen felt or heard that he feels you may need to know.

"So with all that being said you do not just get a reading you get the truth and a word of advice everbody got a story and questions, so let mr. Manny be the man for the job.

"I will definitely be calling him anytime i feel like i need a burden off my shoulder or a smile to brighten up my day. God works in mysterious ways and i believe it was god that sent him my way. Thank you so much!!

"You make it easier for denae to be denae cause i lost myself after that relationship. Thank you thank you god bless amr. Manny! Call mr. Manny now 🙂 email me if you dont believe."

Deanne (Original email held on file)

"I am not sure how to start. Manny has changed my life within a week. I have been so lost and completely alone without anyone who could help or even understand what I was going through.

"I talked to Manny a year ago just for the free introduction that was offered and have thought of him since. I had been to numerous psychics who all promised to help and got my hopes up to only have them take my money and be in a worse situation than before because not only did they not help I was now out of all the money( in the thousands ) that I had spent so I lost hope.

"Manny had been sending emails that offered advice and told of his on personal hardships and how he overcome them so at a particularly low point in my life I decided to call Manny because to be honest I needed help and a friend. That was the best decision of my life. Manny is truly amazing and has made so many things happen in just one week. He has not only helped me but he has become a true valued friend. I no longer cry myself to sleep at night because Manny has given me a way to finally get the happiness I have been waiting for.

"His approach is direct ,very honest but caring. I won't go into the life he has saved me from but it is truly a miracle. Most psychics you pay then that's it..not Manny he is there for me 24/7 . I hope you know what a wonderful person you have in him. If you have any questions then please feel free to get my number from Manny. Once he explains what my life was life you will see why I'm so grateful to have found him or he me..As Manny put its destiny and now I'm looking forward to mine."

"Thank you so much!!!"

Anna (Original email held on file)

Manny is the truth. He is not going to feed you some B.S or give you false hope about your situation. Manny will give you a resolution to your problem but it is up to you to make the changes in your life. Manny's tough love is necessary and transparent but I promise you his logical input will definitely change your life.